After this election cycle, it is our prayer that those of us who follow Christ become as stout as Deborah and as eloquent as Esther in advocating for our convictions.
If Christ has put us in a position, it is for a purpose.
May we use it as He directs and never be afraid to heed and speak His inner voice. Never.
May we be brave enough to stand for truth and mercy in love.
May we be bold enough to advocate for the voiceless and the betterment of others with courageous diplomacy and eloquence, even if it means going against the current state.
May we be hard on the issues yet soft on people.
May we stand for God's truth in love, in all things, in all ways.
And may we see all people as having value.
Belief is not a requirement to be loved by God. He loves each of us as His treasure. No matter what happens today, we pray that we are able to celebrate each person’s uniqueness, knowing that each one of us is loved.

May all of us be filled with His peace and His love today.
Much Love,
Michelle and Brooke
The Advocacy Center, Inc.